Early Life[]
Drusilla Spadeworthe, born Drusilla Sallow I, was born in the kingdom of Auros. The oldest of four children, her royal life left little joy. She was tutored in many subjects; mostly the arts, literature, and history, but this all bored her. For much of her younger years, Drusilla would sneak off to town so she could puruse the market. She loved to see weaponry and gadgets that were being sold. This would lead to a life long obsession with tinkering and creating. Often times her handmaiden, Miyuki Roberts, would try to stop her; not with much success.
When Drusilla turned 12 she was engaged to be married to Prince Geráld Alarie I. This interrupted her lifestyle significantly. The princess began to have to take her studies seriously. Of course someone as rebellious as Drusilla Sallow would have ways to cheat the system. She began to bring Miyuki with her to the marketplace, under the guise that they would be tutoring her. Of course, from time to time, the two would begin idly chatting, which led to Drusilla ogling some of the kids their age. One that especially caught her eyes was the son of one of the shopkeepers in the market. Drusilla made specific trips to the stall to see Oliver Rolfe at least once a week.
Season 2[]
"Hail to the Queen" Episode 24 (Finale)[]
While George Hellman, Annie, Meadow, and Glurp are fretting over over the schematics of an upcoming voyage, they trek into the skies near the kingdom of Auros, A normally peaceful kingdom, reknowned for their penchant for pumping out reknowned inventors and even some of the most well-known Cogs-folk, had unusually busy skies. Three unprepared container airships were being seized just out the border of Auros. When their airship happens to come too close, Drusilla demands for them to surrender the ship immediately.
"I shall give no quarter to those who resist. It won't make ye lily-livered for choosing yer life over yer goods." - Drusilla Spadeworthe
But, perhaps, Drusilla bit off more than she could chew this go round. Captain Hellman called in back up. The carnage on both sides was impactful, but the crew of the Persophne's Ace held up their own pretty well whilst they and Drusilla caused damage to five ships. They did, however, end up retreating with no more than a few trinkets and a busted ship. This resulted in Drusilla and her crew having to hide out for a few weeks in a cove of the shores of Auros.
Season 3[]
"Battle of the Isle of Mordedra" Episode 2[]
Captain Barnabus leads the True Winds to the Isle of Mordedra. Unbeknownst to them, Mordedra was a smuggler's outpost. The Daggers, who had been using it as an area to trade and lay low, saw this as the True Winds enroaching upon their territory. The Daggers engaged the True Winds in battle; during the midst of the fight Captain Spadeworthe would jump in and begin to inflict some major damage of her own. Eventually, during the fight, Lena Cohen would end up one the Persophne's Ace with some other True Winds and they would engage the crew. Drusilla's pick was to fight Lena. Both were of about the same skill, but once Drusilla's crew began to overwhelm the other True Winds, Lena had to make a strategic retreat to help them and Captain Barnabus. Whilst doing so, Lena slashed Drusilla's thigh, and jumped over Barnett Wilson. This resulted in him losing his balance and falling into a nearby stream of magma.
"You wicked bitch of the west, this ain't the last ye've heard of me. I'll see to it that you dance with Jack Ketch!" - Drusilla Spadworthe