Ships of the Northern Fleet TV Show Wiki

The Council is made up of 3 Elders (Elindiir) that uphold and enforce the laws that all Scribe Feathers must follow. These 3 have the memorized knowledge of generations past enhanced by magical abilities that are only bestowed upon them during a secret ceremony, and are the only ones allowed to know everything they know. They have the power to expel members of the Scribe Feathers at any point, because they are seen as all knowing and therefore the most powerful. It is very unwise to offend them in any way. They use the Guild to enforce Scribe Feather law across universe.

When an Elindiir is about to pass, which the Elder in question would know innately, the two other Elindiir select candidates from the Ambassadors. The Elindiir about to pass on then chooses one of the candidates to take their place. When a candidate is chosen, there is a secret ceremony that takes place to transfer the magical abilities and knowledge from the passing Elindiir to the new Elindiir. This ceremony is also part of the funeral for the passing Elindiir, as they pass once the transfer of power in done.

Council members never marry, have no offspring, and withdraw themselves from their own family name. The have no loyalty to anyone or anything but the keeping of history. This is how they maintain no bias either for or against events in history so that is is accurately kept. They have no emotions, and base all decisions on logic and past knowledge. For them, knowledge comes above everything.
