SPOILER ALERT. The Final episode listed in this page contains a spoiler.
Air Dates:
- Episode 1
- Episode 2
- The Prometheus Gambit
- Episode 4
- Episode 5
- Episode 6
- Crossing the Bar - Drusilla Spadeworthe is finally laid to rest.
- Episode 8
- Episode 9
- Episode 10
- Episode 11
- And All That's to Come
- Episode 13
- Episode 14
- Episode 15
- Episode 16
- To Sail Among Stars - Lena is made Second Mate on the Rosemary.
- Episode 18
- Episode 19
- Episode 20
- Episode 21
- The Mainland Falls - The Daggers destroy the Apparatus. The main sky island falls. Fleet Airships temporarily lose their capability of flight and the fleets have to start coming in contact with civilizations on the surface.
- The Weirs of Devania - Lamia regains her throne
- All is lost, yet all Becalmed - The death of Annie.
1 | 2 | 3 | 3.5 | 4 | 5 | 6 |